So close
I really got to work on my blogging. It is very dumb how I keep slacking off from trying to get these blogs done. I also remembered that you’re not supposed to use the word “we” while blogging and that made me so mad. I used the word “we” so many times. I fail to keep you guys updated on this journey, that would be bad. I would cry myself to sleep. But yeah, filming has been pretty delayed and I’ve been trying to get some things together. I mean I already messed up on the filming process the first time and the second time and right now David and I are on the third time and just trying to get it done. By the way while typing this I use the word “we” three times and had to go back and delete it. It’s so crazy how I was just talking about having a trouble with using that word and then I used it while explaining the fact that I use it when I should not. I Set myself at a limit of at least 20 sentences for blog to entertain the audience. I really hate that I sent myself and it’s so hard to write a blog with 20 sentences but I’m going to persevere for the sake of you. It is teaching me discipline and how to get things done on time and keep things at a steady pace. I wouldn’t wanna do it again even though I’m probably going to do it again but it’s working. Anyways filming is something. David and I are really trying to get this project done and it’s taking a lot but it’s very close. In the end I think it’ll come out good and that it’ll look nice. didn’t enough to please the audience at least. I have my Filming terms down in the angles I want to use in the editing so I hope it goes well. Thats all for now, I am ready for this to be over with. Goodnight guys!
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