I wish I were a songwriter

 Kanye West still hasn’t given me anything, he wont even text me back. That is a pretty rude way to express concerns about something or to even start a blog. I sincerely apologize for that but, it makes no sense how someone can constantly go back and forth with his ex but can't allow me to use his song. Now it make sound weird that I want to use a Kanye song but hear me out... The guy has really good music. That doesn't mean he gets a free pass to blatantly ignore me. I am tired of it. What I decided to do fix the problem was email Sony records because that was the company Kanye was under when the song was released. Hopefully they respond but if not, I am going on YouTube and downloading free music. It may not be as good as Kanye, but it is something. Listen, you may look at me and call me lazy or tell me other things but I am trying here. This website is about to turn into me being depressed because I can't get my life together. David and I talked it over and that is the plan. We don't have the time to wait for another celebrity to ignore us for a week. So for now this is what we are going to do. Now that I think about it, I could have emailed Lauryn Hill because she also has rights to the song. She is a lot more humble then Kanye, so she'll probably respond as well. I am going to do that. Thank you blog audience, you really helped me brainstorm. If she doesn't respond, then back to plan b. Goodbye!



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