Title website research

 Art of the title is a very useful website. It has many opening sequences ranging from horror movies to family animation film.  It also had many popular title sequences, that caught the attention of a plethora of viewers. Making it in our opinion a very accessible website. Not only does it encourage it’s users to dive into movie title sequences, it also dissects the television shows. The different things you can explore on the website are also pleasurable. Going from articles, to studios and even featured films. The best thing has to be the diversity within the website. The website introduces many different cultures of film and keeps users on their toes. Art of the title is definitely a top tier website and can definitely do some good. I’d recommend it in the future. 

The second website was typically comparable to the first but not as appealing to our interest. It had the same things but was more focused on interviews. It had a lot of opinions from third party viewers. The site had a very interesting outgoing appearance. Not only that it also had task bars that  made it easy to find opening sequences. While on the other hand it was very hard to find a opening sequence specific to our project. The opening sequences provided weren't unique to our genre which made it harder to navigate for our specified project. To be honest we felt like going with the first website is better. It will be easier to navigate and better use of time. So art of the title is definitely our go to.


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