Storyboard Template
Box 1
- The first scene is going to be with my main actor throwing down their bag along with my product you also will be seeing them getting ready to be active. It is meant to grab the watchers attention and will be kept later throughout the commercial.
Box 2
- The second scene involves the main actor getting prepared to run. This scene will be a little longer then any other cut scene because the runner has a long process to get ready. It is also a nice sight to see (amazing way to keep the eyes of the audience attached)
Box 3
- The main actor begins to get active. They will be running diversely through a change of scenes.
Box 4
- The main actor begins to use the product. Drinks the water that he previously threw down with his stuff. It is supposed to give a feeling of refreshment. This is used to make it seem as if the product will make you feel better when dehydrated or after a workout.
Box 5
- The actor begins the throw the empty bottle down and continues to walk away
Box 6
- The last scene will be the product showing up on the screen as the last thing seen and is meant to properly produce the item.
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