Editing, kinda

Previously I spoke about being excited for this Final Task. I lied. This video has me crying, sliding down walls. But I will not give up because this is something that I want to do for the rest of my life. Well, without all the deadlines and all the blogging. Do not get me wrong, I love you guys but not that much. Anyways, editing is a pain in my rear end. Like I said before, we have to redo everything. Am I looking forward to it? No. Anyways, I was trying to use Apple Movie but it was being very demanding. Asking me for things I didn't have yet or that I didn't want to do. It was lowkey pissing me off. I switched back to Capcut, and learned to overlay and work the text part for flashbacks and the titles popping up on the screen. Which brings me to another thing. Splitting the titles between David and I was war. But in the end I just made sure that I got the directing part because I could really care less about everything else when it comes to directing. Which is what I want t...